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Inventory orders are typically shipped the next business day and will be delivered within 1-5 business days. For more information, please check our Shipping and Return Policy.
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For the most efficient resolution to obtain the item you desire, we recommend returning the original item. Once your return is approved, we encourage you to proceed with a separate purchase for the new item. For more information, please check our Return & Refund Policy.
We deliver your order straight to your address via FedEx & Canada Post. You’ll receive an email with a tracking number when your order ships, so you can easily track your order. Please ensure that you’re home on the day of delivery to receive your order.
In the unlikely event that you come across any damaged, defective or missing parts, please contact us at support@goblacklyte.com with a photo of the affected area and your order number. Our support specialists will do their best to assist you.
Probably the most comfortable gaming chair I've used, short or long gaming sessions, it's pure comfort the whole time.
So the chair is definitely built well and very comfortable the only thing I kinda worry about is the material they use is it gonna be able to withstand me sitting on it for long period of time because after getting up it seems like the materials wrinkled where my butt is other than that. Seems like an amazing chair.
Being a office worker and rugby player at weekend I'm off a larger build, so require a well build solid chair. This is exactly what you, from opening the box and seeing the premium box, parts and how easy it was to build. I'm gobsmacked at the quality of the chair and the price I paid. Comfy and feels like it will last a while. Defo recommend.
Can’t really review as it’s still in the box. It’s A birthday gift. Arrived in a couple of weeks
Meets all my expectations. Great chair - fair price!
Confortable and very hood quality
I have this chair for 2 month so far performing really good but in this hotter days I sweat like a MF in this chair because it don’t breath, like a couple of holes will be really good
Very comfy chair. Seems to be quite sturdy / durable. The issues I have however are:
The chair moves a bit to easily on a laminate floor I have to consistently adjust myself and lock thr wheels or I'm on the other end of the room
Love the wheels. Just don't love how easily they travel.
Secondly the back cushion should have magnets or a strap. It falls down all the time. Otherwise it's very comfortable.
I have the non leather chair. The fabric can be a bit warm but if you have AC it's not an issue.
Great Chair overall. Especially at the great price I got it. Look forward to using it for many years.
Great chair, super comfortable and easy to install. My biggest complaint is that the seat height is not adjustable
Very happy with the purchase, probably the best chair I've had so far. Easy to assemble, quality looks premium. Was shipped very fast, received a day later. Overall, I think this is the best chair at this price
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