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I really like the Kraken Pro wine red chair! It looks great and the backrest provides excellent support without needing a cushion. It fits my back perfectly, and the headrest is super comfy. The only downside is the small gap between the backrest and seat, but it's not a big deal for me. Overall, it's a solid and stylish chair!
First, I did get the chair put together and it is working properly as far as I can tell. There are no instructions on using the chair! The assembly instructions are written by someone that assumed you know what you are doing. Wife and I worked on it together and between the two of us we figured it out. Of course I then found the assembly video on this page after I was done. The video would have answered a few questions about assembly. There is a QR code on the inside of the box but the URL it points you to is non-functional.
My main complaint is that the seat does not go high enough. The specifications show maximum height of 20.1" but it isn't clear what that measures. Now that I have the chair together, it appears to be from floor to top of seat. Measuring my old chair the same way, I was comfortable at 22" and that was not the max height of that chair. I am 67" tall.
Otherwise the chair appears to be comfortable. Time will tell if this was a good investment.
I purchased a Kraken Pro after years of saying gaming chairs are a waste of money. I served in the military and have back problems. I spend lots of time on my PC and decided it was time to try a gaming chair. I love it and wish I would have tried one sooner. The back support makes long sessions painless. Customer service is great here too.
I bought this chair over the SecretTech Chair as it was cheaper and seem to offer similar features. I have to say that buying this chair has been great!
It's very comfy, so the cushion for me passes my expectations. I'm not a professional gamer nor do I plan to be, but I play steam games, work in google sheets/ Microsoft products so I'm in a gaming chair all day as office chairs just do it for me.
The chair is for working from home so needed to be both comfortable and supportive which it is. The product came well packaged and with clear instructions in English for self assembly and a tool was supplied in the pack. The chair was easy to assemble and is perfect for my requirements. The chair is extremely sturdy and fully adjustable
The chair was, for the most part, easy to assemble. I got through half way and then need some help to finish. All in all, great chair, son loves it.
Bought this gaming chair a month ago. It looks very good and was easy to assemble. Nothing has broke or ripped yet, the person sitting in it is 130 lbs.
I'd give 4 but that isn't an option. The set up is easy, the look is nice, comfortable, solid and everything you'll need for a good chair.
I LOVE THIS CHAIR!!! Ok, anyone else similar to me where you wait until the chair you have is literally falling apart? Well that's what I did. This is the first real gaming chair I have ever purchased.
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